What is PRP, Platelet Rich Plasma?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a therapeutic intervention which employs the latest technologies to speed up the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

PRP has been investigated and used for chronic tendinitis, osteoarthritis, in oral surgery, and in plastic surgery.

Platelets are sub-cellular units that normally exist in our blood stream.  Platelets are blood cells with several crucial functions. They contain important growth factors that, when secreted, are responsible for:

  • Wound healing
  • Recruiting other cells to the site of injury
  • Tissue regeneration
  • Increasing collagen production
  • Initiating vascular re-growth
  • Inducing cell differentiation
  • Assisting in bone mineralisation

By taking a small volume of your blood and then extracting the platelets, we are able to create a high concentration of these “growth factors” which can then be re-injected into areas that require tissue healing.

The human body has the remarkable ability to heal itself and by re-injecting concentrated platelets we are accelerating the natural healing process.

There are various parts of the body that can be treated with platelet rich plasma therapy including but not limited to;

  • the shoulder (Rotator Cuff),
  • elbow (Tennis and Golfers Elbow),
  • hip muscles(Hip Abductors in Trochanteric Bursistis),
  • knee (Patellar Tendon and Osteoarthritis),
  • ankle (Achilles Tendon and Plantar Fasciitis),
  • and the sacroiliac joint ligament (Sacroiliac Joint Incompetence).

What are the benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma?

Platelet Rich Plasma patients can often see a significant improvement in symptoms.  This treatment can eliminate the need for more traditional treatments such as medications, cortisone injections and surgery.

How do I know if Platelet Rich Plasma is for me?

You should schedule an evaluation consultation with Dr Sanjay Nadkarni to assess whether or not Platelet Rich Plasma will be a suitable treatment option for you.

An MRI or musculoskeletal ultrasound may be required to ensure a proper diagnosis. If you have already had these scans previously bringing a copy of these reports will be most beneficial.