With Winter coming to an end in just one month, there is no better time to get your varicose and spider veins treated than NOW! There are so many health and aesthetic benefits to having your varicose veins treated but here are the top 5 reasons why NOW is the time to do it;
- The Spring and Summer seasons are all about showing skin! Shorts, bathers, skirts and dresses… we dare to bare! So even though you have been rid of those unsightly and painful varicose veins, following a procedure you can expect some bruising and even possibly some slight swelling for a few weeks. Being able to camouflage your newly varicose vein free legs in some comfy long pants is a definite bonus during the recovery period.
- It’s Couch Potato season! Winter is all about netflix, cosy trackies and couch potato comfort. Whilst we encourage you to walk, strenuous activity should be avoided for approximately 7 to 14 days depending on the activity and the individual. It’s so much more fun being a couch potato in Winter.
- Reduced exposure to UV rays – so we all know how damaging UV rays can be to our skin but one of the things we overlook is the effect of UV rays on healing skin. Exposure to UV rays can cause discolouration of any incisions or treatment areas and should be avoided for 3 to 4 weeks post treatment. It is much easier to avoid the UV Rays in the cooler months.
- We encourage all of our patients to wear medical grade compression stockings for two weeks after their procedure. These stockings help immensely with the healing process, bruising and swelling. Without a doubt the cooler weather makes for better comfort when wearing the stockings.
- Want to keep your treatment under wraps??? Hoping to “OUT” those newly gorgeous legs in style??? Winter is going to make it much easier for you to conceal your treatment.
So on top of all of the reasons above on why NOW is the best time to get your varicose vein treated… here are the reasons why you should have them treated at Endovascular WA and with Dr Sanjay Nadkarni;
- Over 19 years experience in minimally invasive varicose vein procedures
- Over 10,000 successfully treated patients
- Full range of clinically proven, treatments available
- Medicare rebatable
- Out patient, no private health insurance required
- Walk in, walk out – minimally invasive
- No general anaesthetic required